Parenting, Yogic Philosophy and Sadhana (daily spiritual practise)
I miss warm cups of tea. I miss the feeling of holding the warm cup between my hands, and watching the swirling steam ris e from the mug . I miss inhaling its sweet smel l as I bring it closer to my face , ready to take that first sip that is like a big warm hug . It was my morning ritual – a ritual I perhaps never appreciated enough. Since having my beautiful daughter Grace, this ritualistic practise doesn’t happen often. B y t he time I get to my tea now , it’s always cold. That is one part of my ‘old’ life, my pre-motherhood life, I miss. Since having a child , the way I have practised my daily Sadhana, or my daily spiritual practise, has changed, but ultimately for the better. Your sadhana could be your daily yoga, meditation, chanting or reading sacred literature. A lthough I may not get as much time (or on some days any time ) to practise asana on my mat, or to sit down and quietly meditate, or indeed to enjoy a warm cup of tea since becoming a mother, I have s...